We back founders helping people to expand their potential - delivering better health and educational outcomes through software
Technology means the extension of human capabilities: as Francis Bacon put it at the dawn of the new science, "the enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible". Software-led businesses create new possibilities for humans to flourish, especially at its essential foundations: education and health.
In education, we see tremendous opportunity to broaden access to the best teaching, and equip students of all ages to learn in the manner that works best for them, increasingly outside of traditional institutions and timelines.
Decentralization is core to the empowerment opportunity we see in health. We're in the middle of an explosion of new ways to quantify biology, meeting increasingly cheap and portable, smartphone-interfacing diagnostic tools. This, coupled with a growing enthusiasm for telemedicine, creates an enormous pull away from overcrowded, overburdened clinics and hospitals across many areas of care and wellness. These new care modalities can feed back into the health system with real world evidence for new therapies.
Great progress has been made in the last hundred years on the back of The Green Revolution in agriculture. Now, we're seeing the beginnings of a new revolution in how we feed the world, predicated on a convergence of computational and molecular technologies that enable us to design food systems and products better to support our health and that of the planet.

Companies we invested in prior to Mosaic.